
Subscriptions allow you to subscribe to events that are happening within Octopus, so you can be notified when events have occurred and react accordingly. Both email and webhook notifications are currently supported.

Subscriptions can be accessed from the Configuration menu.

Running on an Octopus version below 3.12? For earlier versions of Octopus, Subscriptions can be accessed from the Configuration ➜ Audit ➜ Subscriptions menu.

Email notifications

Email notifications can be setup to send an email periodically to the users of one or more teams. Emails will be sent periodically according to the frequency you specify, and the email will include a digest of events that have occurred (up to a maximum of 100 events). For example, this can be useful if your team has setup automated deployments with the Elastic and Transient Environment features of Octopus and wish to be notified if an auto-deployment is ever blocked or has failed.

Emails may also include a link to your Octopus Audit screen, filtered to match the events delivered in the email. To include this link, you need to have set the publicly-accessible URL of your Octopus instance (see the Configuration ➜ Nodes ➜ Configuration Settings menu or the Server Configuration documentation for more details).


Getting Started - Subscriptions

Let’s say you have some critical projects and you want your administrators to receive an email if something is wrong with these deployments. You can setup an email subscription to notify your teams when these critical events have occurred.

Consider the following example:

We can select the Deployment-critical events group, which will automatically filter all deployment-critical events for us.

We can then select just the projects/environments we want to monitor. In this case: our Infrastructure or Code projects. Also, we only want to get notified when these critical events occur in our Production environment.

So in this example, all users in the Octopus Administrators team (with a valid email address) will receive an email notification for Deployment-critical events, in the Infrastructure or Code projects, that occurred in our Production environment.

Each filter you add is an “AND,” while each option you add to the filter is an “OR.”

A subscription with the filters:

  • Event Categories: Deployment Started
  • Environments: Staging, Production
  • Projects: Hello World

That filter is translated to look for events where the category is Deployment Started AND for the environments Staging OR Production AND for the project Hello World.

You can read more about getting started with notifications in our Getting Started guide.

Dates and Timezone In this example, we have also configured the timezone drop-down so all dates shown in the emails will be in our preferred timezone.

We can then hit Save and this subscription will show up in our subscriptions list screen.

Role permissions

Each email will be customized based on the user’s roles, so they will only be emailed with events that they have permission to see. See the “Event Visibility and Permissions” section below for more details.

Webhook notifications

Webhook notifications allow you to receive a JSON payload, posted to a specified URL when events have occurred. Webhook notifications will be sent per event (unlike email notifications that send a digest of events) and will include a payload with the following structure:

  "Timestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
  "EventType": "SubscriptionPayload",
  "Payload": {
    "ServerUri": "",
    "ServerAuditUri": "",
    "Subscription": {},
    "Event": {},
    "BatchProcessingDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "BatchId": "[guid]",
    "TotalEventsInBatch": "3",
    "EventNumberInBatch": "10"

The Payload includes:

ServerUri*The Octopus Server that generated this webhook
ServerAuditUri*The URL to the Octopus Server’s audit screen where this event may be found in more detail
SubscriptionThe subscription object that triggered this webhook (including all filtering criteria so you can see exactly why you are receiving this webhook)
EventThe event object that this webhook is responding to
BatchProcessingDateThe processing date for the current batch. For ‘Single’ payload types, the events will be sent in batches. The batch date is included here for your reference
BatchId**A unique GUID given to the current batch of events being processed
TotalEventsInBatch**The total number of events, in the current batch of events being processed
EventNumberInBatch**The event number of this event, in the current batch of events being processed

* This property will be null unless the publicly-accessible URL has been set for your Octopus instance (see the Configuration ➜ Nodes ➜ Configuration Settings menu).

** This property is available since version 3.12.5

Consuming Events While we make every effort to ensure events are only ever sent once to a given email or webhook subscription, we can offer no guarantees and advise that you design your consuming API with this in mind.

Event visibility and permissions

Because certain teams may be restricted to only see certain events, subscriptions give you the ability to scope to one or more teams. Teams may be restricted to certain criteria, such as project(s) and/or environment(s). Combine these restrictions with team roles and you can successfully control which events get seen for a given subscription. See more information on Managing Users and Teams as well as our User Roles documentation if you wish to learn more.


Logs for subscriptions can be found in the Configuration menu under Diagnostics (see the Subscription logs tab). You can then click the Verbose flag to view all related information to help with troubleshooting.

Email notification troubleshooting

If you are setting up email subscriptions for the first time and would like a good test SMTP server (before you involve your real SMTP servers), we have found to be extremely helpful. This can help you to see what the actual emails will look like once you involve your real SMTP servers.

Webhook notification troubleshooting

If you are setting up webhook subscriptions for the first time and would like a simple test server where you can see the payloads that Octopus will actually send, we have found RequestBin to be extremely helpful.

For example, to test whether the subscription webhooks are sending correctly from Octopus, you could setup a temporary RequestBin, and use that URL in your subscription to confirm whether the payload is sending successfully from Octopus. This will also show you a real-time payload of what your API can expect to receive from an Octopus webhook subscription.

Subscription events

The following is a list of all options for subscriptions including Event Groups, Events, and Document Types:

Auto-deploy events
Auto-Deploy critical-events
Deployment events
Deployment critical-events
Machine events
Machine critical-events
Machine becomes available for deployment
Machine is no longer available for deployment
Certificate expiry events
Document events
API key expiry events
API key expired
API key expiry 10-day warning
API key expiry 20-day warning
Auto-deploy trigger blocked
Auto-deploy trigger succeeded
Certificate expired
Certificate expiry 10-day warning
Certificate expiry 20-day warning
Certificate private-key exported
Certificate replaced
Deployment failed
Deployment queued
Deployment resumed
Deployment started
Deployment succeeded
Document created
Document deleted
Document modified
Export complete
Guided failure interruption raised
Import complete
Machine cleanup failed
Machine created
Machine deleted
Machine deployment-related property modified
Machine disabled
Machine enabled
Machine found healthy
Machine found to be unavailable
Machine found to be unhealthy
Machine found to have warnings
Machine health changed
Manual intervention interruption raised
Task canceled
Action Template
Action Template Version
Api Key
Auto Deploy Queue Item
Build Information
Community Action Template
Dashboard Configuration
Dashboard Item
Deleted Space
Deployment Environment
Deployment History
Deployment Process
Deployment Summary
Extension Configuration
Has Id
Indexed Package Summary
Latest And Count
Latest Successful Deployment To Machine
Library Variable Set
Machine Policy
Name Only
Octopus Server Node
Project Group
Project Trigger
Runbook Run
Runbook Run History
Runbooks Dashboard Item
Runbooks Snapshot
Server Task
Tag Set
Tenant Variable
Variable Set
Worker Pool
Worker Task Lease
User Role
Variable Set

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Page updated on Monday, April 10, 2023